Her name is Isobel.
Full of attitude and energy, she is the definition of a Spicy Hunan Girl.
I only spent a few hours with her, but it was a life-changing couple of hours.
If you're in the medical field, I'm sure you've picked up some things about her by now.
The yellowed skin and eyes, the swollen belly...
My sweet Isobel is sick. Very, very sick. With a liver disease that leaves her with not much time left on Earth.
A liver disease that doesn't give her the chance to know the love of a forever family.
Words can not describe how it felt to hold this little girl, knowing that she doesn't have much time left until she goes to be with Jesus.
Isobel doesn't take kindly to strangers, according to the orphanage director.
But for some reason, she warmed up to me.
Enough to sit in my lap for a cuddle, and a chance for me to pray over her and her life; to pray that she passes with little suffering and lots of loving from her nannies.
To read more about Miss Isobel, click this link:
Thanks for comming to see us, we love folks like you and thanks for sharing, giving and encouraging! Thanks alan
Hi Amy,
We just blogged in memory of Isobel on the Butterfly Hospice blog. I thought of you, and felt you would like to know.
~ Fiona
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