Wedding Countdown!

Daisypath Wedding tickers

Sunday, September 25, 2011

{Sunday Snapshot} Just a Weekend

Just a weekend...

Where I baked two pies...

Went to the S&T football game...

And unfortunately, did homework.

At least we got to hang out right?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

3, San, Tres, Three

3 months. Already. It's been three months since we have come home from China.

3 months ago at this time all I wanted was my own bed and to snuggle my nephew.

Now, I'd give anything for a  rock hard  extra firm Chinese mattress and to snuggle our Chen Zhou babies.

Or more specifically, my sweet Jennie.

3: about the number of times each hour that I ask God to bring her her waiting family soon.

3: the number of times each second (well, almost) that I ask God to bring her family in contact with our team.

I'd do anything I could to meet them.

To tell them what I know about their daughter.

To tell them how she loves being tickled under the chin.

How she loves looking out the window.

How she snuggles close as you hold her, and smiles up the most gorgeous of all smiles.

To tell them to be ready for a big eater!

To tell them about her perfect fingers and toes.

To tell them how wonderfully perfect she is.

Another CZ  baby met her family yesterday. Remember Shannon's sweet Rosebud?

She's now the princess of her forever family, with three prince older brothers to watch over her.

Apparently there are several other babies from the Hunan province being adopted along with her.

I keep reading the blog, and hoping to see pictures of the other babies as well.

I wonder if my Jennie is still there, if her family has already come for her, or are there now.

I'm praying we find out!

The love for our Chen Zhou babies runs deep!

Won't you join us next year??

Sunday, September 18, 2011

{Sunday Snapshot} From Under The Umbrella

Josh had his first home football game of the season this week!

Which means Assistant Coach Dad was on the sidelines.

Josh surely had the biggest cheering section (even in the rain!) thanks to a surprise visit from some friends!

The wind and the rain couldn't scare us away!

So, here's your view...

From under the umbrella.

Josh #30
Augie #94
Connor #96
Unknown! #85

Friday Night Lights

This little guy loves his football!

And he adores my "Gad"...

And so do I!

Columbia Eagles Homecoming Football Game 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

{Sunday Snapshot} Little Coach...

Hey look! This Sunday Snapshot is only a day late!

Little man has a future as a football coach.

He's already chewing the boys out, yelling "Nun, Nun, Nun!!!" (Run, Run, Run)


But, then again, not so much.

Because climbing the bleachers is so stinkin' fun.

And it gives a better view to cheer from!

 Okay, now we're back to business.

Even the best coaches get worn out sometimes!

Happy football season, y'all!

It's The Most Wonderful Time...

Happy football season, y'all!

Oh yeah, and GO BLUE JAYS!

Yay little brother! #30!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Life gets so busy sometimes that we don't get a chance to pause, and do something fun.

Like jump on the trampoline...

Point out neat clouds in the sky...

Show everyone how strong you are...

Snuggle with your loved ones,

Or even just relax in a rocking chair.

Smiles like this are the result of things like that.

So, lets try it.

We all may be surprised by the good memories it gives!

See this?

Look at this smiling face...

Do you see what I see?

I see the face of a sweet, gentle, beautiful little girl...

Months away from aging out of the adoption system in China...

Who has several families wanting to adopt her!!

Just in time.

The Lord's timing is sometimes scary,

But its SO worth it.

Sweet Miss June haunted mine (and other members of the team's) dreams when we got home.

What would happen to such a gentle soul if she ages out of the system.

I used to shudder at the thought. 

But now my heart is glad;

Because another precious child has found her forever family.

Want to be a small part in happy stories like this one?
Visiting Orphans is now taking applications for their Summer 2012 trip!
Won't you join us?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tis the Season...

No, not Christmas! 

Football Season!

But I'm sure you knew that!

Allow me to be a proud big sister for a second and post some pictures of baby brother's jersey ceremony!

Getting his jersey. He moved too fast for a good one.

The team

I actually got a smile from him!

"Angry Football Face"

Heisman Pose
(Did I spell that right?)

Dear football season,
You rock.
Love, Amy Lynn

Pretty Little Chaos

So, a few weeks ago I started a newer nanny job. 
(after quitting the one that just wasn't going to work)

Friends, meet the pretty little chaos known as the 4 Sisters!

(I added extra brightness to these pictures...just for fun)
Aren't they gorgeous?

Meet Miss Molly.
At age 8, she is the definition of the oldest child.
The boss, the protector, you get it.
Now, on to the twins...

Claudia, age 6, number 2 in the lineup.
She's sweet, shy, and quiet.
What a doll.

Can you see some trouble behind that smile?
If not, you should!
This is child #3, Rachel,
who is a complete personality match to her spot in the lineup.
She's crazy and hyper; so no wonder she has the nickname, "Rockstar".

And now let me introduce the baby of the family, Darcy.

Darcy is my sweet baby girl.
She stays home with me for the rest of the day after her sisters head to school.
She likes to play alone,
And does anything her sisters tell her to.
Is that a good or bad thing? 
So there you have it, my newest set of kiddos. 
They're awesome!!
Which totally makes up for me having to be in STL by 6:30 every Tuesday and 
every other Monday to watch them!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

{Sunday Snapshot} Ha Ha Tonka Park Date

Hey! What do ya know? I did my first Sunday Snapshot of the month...ON TIME!!

The history behind Ha Ha Tonka

Way up high!

Natural Bridge

Ha Ha Tonka ruins

The water tower at Ha Ha Tonka

A cool panorama shot!
 I saved the best two for last!