Wedding Countdown!

Daisypath Wedding tickers

Friday, July 29, 2011

Some Things...

Some things will never cease to make my day.

Like getting to see this guy:

Like learning to do something new, or catching up on a favorite tv show.

Or...finding out that another precious Chen Zhou baby has a possible family!

Congratulations, sweet baby! And to your future forever family! (Whoever and wherever they may be!)

You are loved!

P.S. You are forgiven for peeing on me that one afternoon in the baby room ;)


Annette said...

Shannon sent me to your blog.
We have received a referral a little girl from Chenzhou. I can not be sure, but this certainly looks like my little Mohawk Baby! :) Thank you for showing love and kindness to my daughter. She has parents and two sisters that love her and are ready to bring her home as soon as possible!
netty @ hennesey DOT net

Amy said...

I think I may have some more pictures! I'll look through and see if I have any that I can send! I'm sure you're anxious to bring her home and the pictures may help :)

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