Okay, let me just start by saying that I love my job(s). Really. I do.
But that doesn't stop me from having those days where I want to either:
a. pull my hair out
b. sell the kids to the circus
c. run out the door screaming
So, if you are a nanny, looking to get one, or just an interested reader, here's some things you should know about my job:
1. If you say you're going to be home at 7, be home at 7. Not 7:45.
(I get that sometimes you get tied up, but really? Every day?)
2. I am in charge of feeding the kids, but I can't do so if there's no food in the house.
(If you need me to go to the grocery store, I will. just say the word)
3. Appreciate how difficult my job is. And compensate accordingly.
(Well under minimum wage is NOT acceptable)
4. If one of the kids is sick, let me know before I get there and feel their forehead burning up.
(How would you like if I did that to you?)
5. Also, please warn me if the kids had a late night the night before.
(common courtesy, you know.)
6. You did not ask me when I started the job to clean house; however, if it looks like a tornado has recently passed through, I'm going to clean it so I can walk without tripping over things. Acknowledge that.
(More common courtesy, ya know?)
7. I need to know the kids' schedule. If they have day camp this week, and I need to pick them up at "x" time, please tell me ahead so I can plan accordingly.
(And it would be super if you let me know ahead of time if it gets canceled or changed).
(And so I can get your other child to nap at the correct time)
8. Long, drawn out, emotional goodbyes do nothing for anyone. They make you sad, they make your kid sad, and they make ME sad for having to deal with the repercussions.
9. Any activities you want me to do with the kids will probably be fine, but run them by me first.
(I don't like walking in the door and having an 8 year old tell me that mommy said we could go swimming today when it wasn't discussed AT ALL between me and mommy)
10. I need to know about any medicines your child is taking or has been taking. Seriously. It's a safety thing.
(And so I am not completely shocked when I take them to the pediatrician and they ask me why little guy is taking medicine "x". And then look incompetent.)
So yeah, we will call that my top ten rant of all things nanny.
I repeat: I love my job, but like any other, it's not perfect, so sometimes I need to vent.
Have a lovely day, friends.
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