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The number of days until Team Chenzhou leaves again for China! |
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The number of times per day that I think of our Chenzhou babies. |
Now that you know my normal daydream subject, let me explain...
Our team leaves in 325 days.
I would give anything to be a part of that team.
Because I love China.
Because I love the babies there.
Because...well...I could go on forever, so I'll make it short(ish).
I have a heart for the orphans in China.
Those lovely, fearfully and wonderfully made kids.
So full of life and energy and potential.
Who have basically no worth to their country.
They deserve all the love we can give them and more.
So, what's my point?
Pray, friends.
For two main things:
1. Pray for guidance for me as I try to seek whether or not God wants me to go again.
(I for sure want to!)
2. And, now the "scary" one. Pray about joining our team.
I truly believe that the Lord uses people from all walks of life, all personalities, all ages, to reach these kids.
James 1:27
New International Version (NIV)
27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
For more info on Chenzhou 2012, click HERE!
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