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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Tiny Turtle Story...

So, I have a completely random story to tell, but I plan to tell it anyways.

Friday, Chad and I left Rolla to go grocery shopping and babysit Landon.

It went great, by the way!

On the way home, we were going down one of the country roads close to his house when I saw a lump in the middle of the road.

It was a turtle, and since I like turtles, I freaked out telling Chad to not hit it!

Of course he didn't hit it, he's awesome like that.

As we continued down the road I confessed to him that I was worried about poor Mr. Turtle getting hit by a car and BEGGED (like a small child I might add) to go back there and move him off the road.

One catch? I didn't want to touch the turtle.

So, being the super boyfriend that he is, Chad turned the car around, went back to the turtle and moved him out of the road for me.

The only bummer part was that he wouldn't let me take a picture of him and the turtle he saved.

So, after moving it to the ditch, we headed down the road to his house.

Then something horrible, or just ironic happened.

We passed a mower.

You know, the kind that mow the grass in the ditch?

And was heading towards the turtle we had just "saved" by putting him in the ditch.

Oh, the sad irony.

On a better note, how about you take a look at me and Chad's first day of school picture?

Isn't he CUTE?!


Lindsay said...

Even though I'm horrified for the poor little turtle, I have to admit that this made me laugh a little bit. Especially the part about you making Chad turn around and save the turtle since you were too chicken to do it yourself! :)

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