I speak 3 languages mainly:
1. English
2. Landon-ese
3. Luke-ish
The last two may not be considered real to you guys, but they are to me.
And I have to flip back and forth between the two depending of which little guy I'm talking to.
Now that's what I call fluent.
For example, take the word "dup". (Yes. Its a real word.)
In Landon-ese, it means "Yup" or "Yes".
In Luke-ish, it means "Give me my cup before I start to scream!"
Example #2:
How do you know when the child is done eating and ready to get out of their chair?
Landon-ese: "Ah guh guh duh" (All gone done)
Luke-ish: "UNNNNN!!!!" (Done.)
They both like the crayon that is yellow (in English).
In Landon-ese: "Lellow"
In Luke-ish: "Ye-yo"
I love seeing them both learn to talk and express themselves, only sometimes, the innocent bystander/fellow grocery store patron/elderly couple at the next table don't...
For Example:
Luke says "Uck" instead of truck. Yep, imagine the stares we get for that one as we head down the grocery store aisles and Luke is saying (screaming) "Uck! Uck! UCK!!!"
I have multiple times resisted the urge to turn to the person giving him and me a dirty stare and tell them that he's saying "truck" and to get their minds out of the gutter.
I am aware of how random this post is.
But that was what I was thinking about today.
Now you know :)
That's when you say (loudly, so that the people nearby can hear) "Sorry, Luke, we don't have your TRUCK."
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