When I can get on blogger at home, I will introduce you all to my sweet Isobel. She is terminal, and unknown liver disease has taken over her, and her skin and beautiful big eyes are all yellowed...she's a feisty one though. And I absolutely adore her....
ok, if I dont stop talking about her now I never will...
We also got to ride the bullet train today. I was worried about getting sick, but thanks to Dramamine I was fine. Once we got to the train station our guide went to get tickets for us. It took a long time, so long that the security called the police on staff over to talk to us, with limited english and no passports for us, because the guide had them. Thankfully, the guide walked up at that exact minute. Scariest 5 minutes of my life...
The train only took about and hour and we are now here in beautiful chen zhou. There's less smog and smells, as well as 2 big markets and a KFC all within 2 blocks of the hotel. Its very nice. There is a computer in the room and thats what I'm typing on right now, so sorry no pics today but I promise when I get a chance they will be up for viewing!
okay, shower and sleep so I have energy for the kids tomorrow!
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