Today Christy and I were able to go get massages. Legit. They were cheap and so good. We figured we deserved it after the stress!!
Dinner was good, and I now REALLY like steamed bread! The fried rice here is so different than home. It comes in almost like a pancake form and is sweet. But delicious! Im attempting to take pictures of the food to show home.
The chaos of the road is mind boggling. Motor bikes and cars drive on the sidewalks and it constantly crowded.
Christy and I figured out what it smells like here: mix one part lettuce, one part sewer, one part soy sauce, and one part cooking oil. Makes for a very distinct China smell!
The smog is constant. It's like a fog that wont ever clear. And I think the team feels a little sick from it. But just something to get used to!
Okay, well this girl needs a shower and some sleep! We go to the Butterfly House tomorrow and I would like to have plenty of energy for the kids and for our bullet train ride after that (can anyone say Dramamine?)
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