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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Why me, and why now?

The closer we get to the trip, the more questions I get...

But they are all somewhere along the lines of, "Why are you going?! Isn't it {fill in the blank with: expensive/stressful/scary/not a good time/etc.}"

And to all these variations of "why am I going?" I have so many answers...

  • Because it seems like a good time to go.
  • Because when I think about 50 million little hearts that have probably never felt the love of Jesus it kills me.
  • Because I have a few weeks free in the summer, and as a college student, I'm as free to go as I ever will be.
  • Because I like to travel.
  • Because advocating for a portion (albeit small {most likely}) of children to find forever families would be an honor.
  • Because I was bored and its time for a new adventure.
  • Because I want to spend two weeks away from my family.
  • **legal disclaimer** **THE LAST TWO ARE 100% FALSE!!!**
I've had time to think about it, after all this trip has been a part of my life since late December/early January, and my reason for going has been the same since the beginning...
  • Because James 1:27 isn't an option. Its a command. And I intend to follow it
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

(that's where to go to get more info about our trip!)


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