1. Kids and sit down restaurants don't mix.
2. Naptime is the BEST time of the day.
3. If you have a weak stomach, man up before being around kids. They're germy.
4. Kids have a magnet in their bodies that draw them to mud and other messes.
5. Pick your battles. (Is it really the end of the world if she wants to wear an orange shirt and red hair bow?)
6. Sometimes you have to be the bad guy. Your job is to be their caregiver, not their best friend.
7. You have to take authority. Even in the face of trouble or scary situations.
8. Doorbells suck. I mean, seriously Mr. UPS man, its 2 in the afternoon, obviously there are kids in the house sleeping. I can wait to find out that there is a package at the door until they're awake.
9. Play dates are great, but wisely decide the friend you can allow them to have over.
10. Ice cream cures a multitude of injuries and heartbreak.
11. If you take the kids to the pool, wear a one piece!
12. Always get ready to leave 15-20 minutes before you need to go somewhere, and maybe you'll get out the door on time.
13. Always bring an extra bottle, diaper, snack, etc. If you don't have it, you'll end up in an emergency when you need it.
14. Don't ever forget snack time. Full on mutiny will result.
15. Loosing/ gaining a tooth is always celebration-worthy.
16. Kids always know when you have a headache. And from there, they will proceed to play their violin LOUDLY right by your ears.
17. Get used to germs, slobber, slimy hands. Its what kids do.
18. At the dinner table, "My tummy hurts. Can I be done?" Means that there's something on TV they want to watch right then.
19. Learn to either bring the baby into the bathroom with you or become okay with using the bathroom with the door open.
20. "Childproof" is a complete lie. It just slows the kid down enough for you to (hopefully) catch them getting into something they shouldn't.
The next 4 are things that I thought my mom was so weird for doing when I was little, but now I get it:
21. Having the child ask to be excused from the dinner table. And then clearing their plate. Its about respect.
22. We always ask for permission for a friend to stay for dinner not in the presence of the friend.
23. Play dates need to be planned in advance.
24. If I call your name, come find me. Don't yell "WHAT?!" Its annoying.
The main thing I learned:
25. Its not about you. No amount of planning will make days with kids run perfectly. Kids will be kids. Learn to embrace it.
Big , huge, enormous thanks to my mommy for listening to me vent about bad days with the kids, for answering all my random questions, and encouraging me through my days!
She was lucky to have you as a nanny:) Takes most moms a lot longer than a year to figure all of that out! Too bad you aren't available to nanny for me this summer.
Love this! I am a nanny also and this list is so funny! I especially like the one about getting out the door... I look after 7 month old and it takes me forever to get out the door, and it's like you cart the whole house everywhere haha
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