"If the Devil is not attacking then we are probably not doing anything to get
his attention. "
This was said to our team by Frank, our Visiting Orphans trip coordinator.
Given the past few days, I am more than convinced that our team is doing plenty
to get his attention.
The enemy is attacking.
Not so much our team members themselves, but our friends and family. Those near and dear to our hearts.
Right before we leave the country for two weeks. With limited contact to home.
Half of my heart is just breaking for all that our team members are going
through. But surprisingly, the other half is...dare I say it...happy...
Let me explain. (No I am not glad that our team is going through trials, what
kinda person do you think I am?!)
We've been absolutely showered with blessings and gifts and love by our support
system (friends, family, coworkers, etc.) I could fill a whole page with all of
these things...and obviously, this is getting the enemy's attention.
He knows God is working now and will continue to work in China through our team.
The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. And I have no doubt that he is
trying to do these things to our team.
The good news?
We know for sure that our God is BIGGER!
Bigger than health problems, bigger than stress, and bigger than any other
problems that come our way.
I absolutely can not wait to see how the Lord is going to work through Team
Please be praying for our team:
Me, Shannon, Makenna, Lori, Shawn, Katie, Tim, Francine, Carmen, Megan, Christy,
Tammy, and Elyssa.
4 days out!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Practice posting from email!
Okay, so since Blogger is technically blocked in China, I am trying out this email thing.
And hey, guess what?! It works!!
And hey, guess what?! It works!!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
A Sunday Snapshot...Let's See How This Goes!
I have been out of school two weeks, and I have had the blessing to share some time with my precious nephew...he LOVES the camera!
Also, we leave for China in 5 days.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Why me, and why now?
The closer we get to the trip, the more questions I get...
But they are all somewhere along the lines of, "Why are you going?! Isn't it {fill in the blank with: expensive/stressful/scary/not a good time/etc.}"
And to all these variations of "why am I going?" I have so many answers...
I've had time to think about it, after all this trip has been a part of my life since late December/early January, and my reason for going has been the same since the beginning...
But they are all somewhere along the lines of, "Why are you going?! Isn't it {fill in the blank with: expensive/stressful/scary/not a good time/etc.}"
And to all these variations of "why am I going?" I have so many answers...
- Because it seems like a good time to go.
- Because when I think about 50 million little hearts that have probably never felt the love of Jesus it kills me.
- Because I have a few weeks free in the summer, and as a college student, I'm as free to go as I ever will be.
- Because I like to travel.
- Because advocating for a portion (albeit small {most likely}) of children to find forever families would be an honor.
- Because I was bored and its time for a new adventure.
- Because I want to spend two weeks away from my family.
- **legal disclaimer** **THE LAST TWO ARE 100% FALSE!!!**

- Because James 1:27 isn't an option. Its a command. And I intend to follow it.
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
(that's where to go to get more info about our trip!)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The Countdown Has Reached Single Digits!
My thoughts all day have been somewhere along the lines of,
a.) "Oh my gosh we are leaving a week from Friday how am I going to get packed on time?!"
b.) "I'm going to be halfway around the world for over 2 weeks. With not much contact to family."
c.) "What on Earth have I gotten myself into?"
None of these are bad. I know I'll get packed on time and I'll be okay with limited contact to my family and friends (although I'm not too sure how my mom will handle it!).
But the third one, wow. I don't think it has hit me yet. I am so excited to go and love on kids who may never experience a forever family, but honestly, I have no idea how I am going to handle it. I know I am going to need Jesus while I'm there more than I can even fathom now, but other than that, who knows?
One thing I do know, I am excited to find out! In 9 days!!
a.) "Oh my gosh we are leaving a week from Friday how am I going to get packed on time?!"
b.) "I'm going to be halfway around the world for over 2 weeks. With not much contact to family."
c.) "What on Earth have I gotten myself into?"
None of these are bad. I know I'll get packed on time and I'll be okay with limited contact to my family and friends (although I'm not too sure how my mom will handle it!).
But the third one, wow. I don't think it has hit me yet. I am so excited to go and love on kids who may never experience a forever family, but honestly, I have no idea how I am going to handle it. I know I am going to need Jesus while I'm there more than I can even fathom now, but other than that, who knows?
One thing I do know, I am excited to find out! In 9 days!!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Our Itinerary Has Changed!!
Itinerary for Chenzhou Team
June 6 (Day 1) arrive in Beijing at 3:55 on AC0029 and check into
the Guangzhou Plaza
June 7 (Day 2) fly to Changsha and check into the Zidongge Huatian Hotel
June 8 (Day 3) visit the Butterfly House and take train to Chenzhou and check into the Royal Spring Hotel
June 9 (Day 4) work in the orphanage
June 10 (Day 5) work in the orphanage
June 11 (Day 6) work in the orphanage
June 12 (Day 7) work in the orphanage
June 13 (Day 8) work in the orphanage
June 14 (Day 9) take train to Changsha and fly to Beijing
June 15 (Day 10) visit the New Day orphanage
June16 (Day 11) Sightseeing
June 17 (Day 12) Fly home at 4:15 on AC0030
Wanna know what a Chinese hotel looks like?
Since you were wondering, they look like this:
I know. Not what I expected either. But SUPER exciting!!
Our Prayer for Chen Zhou
Heavenly Father, We pray for the children of the world who feel abandoned, that they may know you and your mercy. We pray for the children whose only hope is the next meal, that you may become the center of their lives and they may know a greater purpose and hope. We pray for those who are able to visit orphans that they will not delay in administering care, and that they will be effective in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We give thanks for your hand of protection and provision for children of the world who don't know a provider. Thank you for revealing the way, the truth and the life of Jesus Christ, by your power may we show the world what you have shown us. Amen
This is just for everyone to see! Its also on our team blog!
Friday, May 20, 2011
So we leave 2 weeks from today...14 days! and I am $1,400 short for my trip. So it looks like this summer I won't be making any money, because its going towards the trip...but its worth it!
Now I need to make approximately $100/ day to cover trip costs. Anyone willing to donate? ;-)
Now I need to make approximately $100/ day to cover trip costs. Anyone willing to donate? ;-)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
The Top 25 Things I've Learned in My 1st Year as a Nanny...

1. Kids and sit down restaurants don't mix.
2. Naptime is the BEST time of the day.
3. If you have a weak stomach, man up before being around kids. They're germy.
4. Kids have a magnet in their bodies that draw them to mud and other messes.
5. Pick your battles. (Is it really the end of the world if she wants to wear an orange shirt and red hair bow?)
6. Sometimes you have to be the bad guy. Your job is to be their caregiver, not their best friend.
7. You have to take authority. Even in the face of trouble or scary situations.
8. Doorbells suck. I mean, seriously Mr. UPS man, its 2 in the afternoon, obviously there are kids in the house sleeping. I can wait to find out that there is a package at the door until they're awake.
9. Play dates are great, but wisely decide the friend you can allow them to have over.
10. Ice cream cures a multitude of injuries and heartbreak.
11. If you take the kids to the pool, wear a one piece!
12. Always get ready to leave 15-20 minutes before you need to go somewhere, and maybe you'll get out the door on time.
13. Always bring an extra bottle, diaper, snack, etc. If you don't have it, you'll end up in an emergency when you need it.
14. Don't ever forget snack time. Full on mutiny will result.
15. Loosing/ gaining a tooth is always celebration-worthy.
16. Kids always know when you have a headache. And from there, they will proceed to play their violin LOUDLY right by your ears.
17. Get used to germs, slobber, slimy hands. Its what kids do.
18. At the dinner table, "My tummy hurts. Can I be done?" Means that there's something on TV they want to watch right then.
19. Learn to either bring the baby into the bathroom with you or become okay with using the bathroom with the door open.
20. "Childproof" is a complete lie. It just slows the kid down enough for you to (hopefully) catch them getting into something they shouldn't.
The next 4 are things that I thought my mom was so weird for doing when I was little, but now I get it:
21. Having the child ask to be excused from the dinner table. And then clearing their plate. Its about respect.
22. We always ask for permission for a friend to stay for dinner not in the presence of the friend.
23. Play dates need to be planned in advance.
24. If I call your name, come find me. Don't yell "WHAT?!" Its annoying.
The main thing I learned:
25. Its not about you. No amount of planning will make days with kids run perfectly. Kids will be kids. Learn to embrace it.
Big , huge, enormous thanks to my mommy for listening to me vent about bad days with the kids, for answering all my random questions, and encouraging me through my days!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Just In Case You Were Counting....
Just in case you were counting along with me, its 25 days until we leave for China! I am soooo very excited. And nervous. But its a good nervous!
Final payment is due around the 22nd, and I am something like $1,700 short. But the Lord will provide, right? If I need to I guess I can work it off over the summer?
Who knows.
Please be praying for our group!
Also, on a good note, we get to go to another orphanage called The Butterfly House! I am so excited!
You can check it out here: http://www.butterflych.org/
*legal disclaimer* some of the childrens' stories are so sad!
Final payment is due around the 22nd, and I am something like $1,700 short. But the Lord will provide, right? If I need to I guess I can work it off over the summer?
Who knows.
Please be praying for our group!
Also, on a good note, we get to go to another orphanage called The Butterfly House! I am so excited!
You can check it out here: http://www.butterflych.org/
*legal disclaimer* some of the childrens' stories are so sad!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Wedding Pics!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
John 10:10
Okay, so its my last day up here at the good ol' "e" and so the roomies and I went to see a movie, Source Code.
Honestly, I had pretty low expectations for the movie. It just didn't seem like my type. I'm more into the happy ending, Romantic Comedy type movies.
Anyways, the following was a quote from the movie and I have just kind of been thinking about it since I came home. (and that's saying something because I just finished finals!)
Colter Stevens: What would you do if you knew you only had one minute to live?
Christina Warren: I'd make those seconds count.
Maybe I'm weird or something, but as I was thinking over what they said, I got to thinking...
I'm 19, halfway through college (PTL!), and honestly, I have NO idea what I am going to be doing with my life 5, 10, 20 years from now (This is the part where people say that it's okay to be like this).
I don't think just growing up, getting a job, and living a comfortable life is going to be for me. I mean, what's the point of storing up treasure on Earth, where the enemy can steal, kill, and destroy?
The Lord came so that we could have life to the full. (John 10:10) I believe that to be entirely true.
So what does that mean for me now? If you have any idea, please let me know because I have absolutely no idea.
Maybe it means adopting when I get old enough. Maybe it means mission work. Maybe it means being a teacher wherever it is that I'm at.
I have no idea, but I am thankful that the Lord came so that I can have life to the fullest!
Honestly, I had pretty low expectations for the movie. It just didn't seem like my type. I'm more into the happy ending, Romantic Comedy type movies.
Anyways, the following was a quote from the movie and I have just kind of been thinking about it since I came home. (and that's saying something because I just finished finals!)
Colter Stevens: What would you do if you knew you only had one minute to live?
Christina Warren: I'd make those seconds count.
I'm 19, halfway through college (PTL!), and honestly, I have NO idea what I am going to be doing with my life 5, 10, 20 years from now (This is the part where people say that it's okay to be like this).
I don't think just growing up, getting a job, and living a comfortable life is going to be for me. I mean, what's the point of storing up treasure on Earth, where the enemy can steal, kill, and destroy?
The Lord came so that we could have life to the full. (John 10:10) I believe that to be entirely true.
So what does that mean for me now? If you have any idea, please let me know because I have absolutely no idea.
Maybe it means adopting when I get old enough. Maybe it means mission work. Maybe it means being a teacher wherever it is that I'm at.
I have no idea, but I am thankful that the Lord came so that I can have life to the fullest!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Bouncing Baby Boy! (Well, nephew...)
Landon's new obsession is going "owyide" and playing on the trampoline. And of course, Chad was more than willing to help him out!
Chad! Put me on the trampoline! |
Two of my favorite guys! |
Maybe I'm biased, but I can't get over how cute he is! |
They're buddies :) |
Aunt Nenna!! Come play too! |
I think someone is getting tired from all that jumping... |
Monday, May 2, 2011
Emotionally Attached.

Things I know now:
1. Always plan on leaving 20 minutes earlier than you need to, and then maybe, just maybe, you can get the kids out the door on time.
2. Kids totally know how to wear you down. So that occasionally you give in to their repeated pleas to have friends over.
3. If you are a young nanny and you take your kids out in public, the world automatically labels you as a single teenage mom.
5. Even if you're just the part time nanny, and half the time the kids drive you up the wall, you will get emotionally attached them.
This last one I've noticed a lot lately.
Between teething and doctors appointments and grocery shopping and sickness and friends moving away, and homework, and Girl Scouts, and dinner time, and violin practice.... (the list goes on, but I'm just gonna stop now), you really get emotionally attached to these kids.
I've known for a while that I really love both kiddos, but today it got moved to a whole new level.
I got to work on time, and Luke was asleep so Renee (his mommy) and I were able to catch up on some things. We were talking, and then she just randomly brought up taking Luke to see a specialist.
Why? Because he turned one in mid-February and still isn't anywhere close to talking or using words for anything. Even his grandma who is a speech therapist says its about time to get him checked.
When I heard this I just wanted to cry. My sweet (most of the time, er, some of the time!) Lukey may have cognitive delays. And this means he will have a lot of work ahead of him.
But it does mean that his parents and I are beginning a long road to figure out how we can best help Little Guy.
It's going to take lots of patience, which I will admit I don't have. But maybe the Lord is using this 14 1/2 month old to help grow more patience in me and in his parents.
So, please be praying for my little Luke, his mommy and daddy (Renee and Jon), and his big sister Allie (and me too!) as we begin checking things out.
One month and one day until we leave for Chen Zhou.
One final away from summer.
One very full summer "vacation".
One month, one week, and one day until my 20th birthday.
One sweet niece/nephew that I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of.
One crazy busy weekend behind me, and another ahead of me.
There's so much going on, and I felt myself starting to get stressed, but then I realized I have the best ONE on my side to get through it all.
One who will give me strength when I'm at the end of my rope.
One that will give me joy.
One that will watch over me during all the traveling I'm doing.
One that will love me no matter what.
One. Who will give me what I need when I may not even know I need it.
One final away from summer.
One very full summer "vacation".
One month, one week, and one day until my 20th birthday.
One sweet niece/nephew that I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of.
One crazy busy weekend behind me, and another ahead of me.
There's so much going on, and I felt myself starting to get stressed, but then I realized I have the best ONE on my side to get through it all.
One who will give me strength when I'm at the end of my rope.
One that will give me joy.
One that will watch over me during all the traveling I'm doing.
One that will love me no matter what.
One. Who will give me what I need when I may not even know I need it.
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