Okay, before I start this let me explain something.
Jen and Landon |
My 15 year old sister, Jenna, is "something else."
This has been apparent since she was 26 hours old.
She's always been a spitfire personality.
That statement was re-proven today when we were on our flight from New Orleans to Tampa.
It was a completely full plane, but luckily we got on fast enough to sit together in the window and middle seat.
As we watched the rest of the seats fill up, the two seats behind us were filled by 2 boys around Jen's age. (I am proud to say that I resisted the urge to tease her about them!)
Well, as soon as we were in the air, I knew it was going to be and interesting flight.
The boys behind us, (from now on, we will call them Punk 1 and Punk 2) started kicking our seats.
The first/ second time I was thinking it was an accident.
A few minutes later, after repeated kickings, one after the other, we knew it was no accident, just punk kids being, well, punks.
I mentioned something to Jenna and she told me that it was bugging her and she was going to say something.
So she did. Pretty nicely.
The kicking stopped for all of 2 minutes.
We tried to ignore it, but seriously...an hour of people kicking your seat while you're minding your own business trying to read, wow.
She she turned around again. And asked them to stop a little more, shall we say, forcefully.
Punk 1 and Punk 2 continued their kicking, and Jen was complaining, so I told her I'd say something.
Too bad that was the time we were beginning our descent into Tampa, so we had to buckle up and sit down.
Cue more seat kicking on the way down. And Jenna getting more and more irritated.
So finally we landed and got to the gate, and started unloading.
Punk 1 and 2 were already in the aisle, half blocking our way out.
But we were going to unload first, even if it involved pushing them.
Punk 1 put his foot out and tripped Jenna as she was getting out. And then he decided to be "polite" and tell her to watch her step in a really rude, sarcastic voice.
I tell you no lie. And boy, had I heard or seen that while we were still by them, they would have heard it from me!
Remember how I said Jen was a little bit of a spitfire?
Well, this is how she chose to respond to Punk 1:
"Seriously, I am about to punch you in the face right now if you don't back off!"
Yep, that's my sister, about to start a fist fight on an airplane.
Mom was, not surprisingly, horrified when she heard.
But at least we have a fun story to tell, right?