Wedding Countdown!

Daisypath Wedding tickers

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hey You! Check this out!

Wanna know what to get Mom for Mother's day?

How about one of these necklaces or keychains? Not only are they super cute, but the proceeds benefit our trip to Chen Zhou!

What you need to know:

The price of each item is $15. You can pay me by check or cash!
If someone orders 10 items they get one free.  
Make sure you get me your mailing/delivery address
I will deliver your items :)
*The deadline for orders is MAY 13th.  
*If you want something in time for Mother's Day I need the order by THIS FRIDAY morning!!

Why we are fundraising: We will be traveling with Visiting Orphans and will be visiting several orphanages and serving more than 100 children.  As part of our mission we need to raise funds to be used for an orphanage gift. Also we need to raise enough money to cover the extra baggage fees we expect to incur when we bring over the medical supplies and baby care items that have been so generously donated. All proceeds from this fundraiser will go to the orphans of Chen Zhou.


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