Wanna hear about my first Christmas?
Well, of course you do!
I think I like this Christmas thing. All I have to do is hang out and be cute and people give me presents.
I don't even have to bother opening them myself, because my big brother does it for me!
I got to be passed around to everyone while they were opening gifts.
I guess they all want to hug me because I'm so stinkin' cute.
Landon got one of his favorite gifts from our Gigi, Bella's mommy.
I know he loves legos, so this is perfect for him!
Uncle Gosh was being silly in this next picture. He put on the football helmet that my big brother got from Bella and Gramps.
Man, I love Christmas. But it is so exhausting! Aunt Amy got a picture of me napping towards the end of the present opening extravaganza. But hey, can you blame me? I'm still just a little guy.
I love Christmas, and everyone says they can't wait until next year when I get to be more involved.
I'm excited too!
I hope you guys all had a great Christmas too!
Oh, and PS, can someone PLEASE explain to me who this "Santa Claus" is ?
My brother has talked about him a lot in the past few days!